3 Questions That Will Change Your Life.

John Kelly
5 min readMar 7, 2021

As a man thinketh, so he becomes.

Something strange happens when you start to think. You may believe you are thinking all the time, but you would be wrong. Thinking is hard. It’s not going about your daily routine with thoughts like, “I have to brush my teeth”, or “I have to work out”, and of course “What should I eat tonight”. This isn’t thinking, these are just repetitive thoughts that you have programmed into your life.

The thinking I’m talking about requires effort. It requires reflecting on yourself and questioning where you are in life, why you do what you do, and who you want to become. This kind of thinking can be scary. It can make you question reality, your place in it, and force you to change.

I went through this process in 2012, when I realized I was working to pay bills. I was reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad(highly recommended), when I came to the conclusion that I had been played. I had been tricked into thinking that life was about owning material possessions, working a safe job (Just Over Broke), and finally enjoying my life at 65 when I could “retire” or basically do nothing but what I wanted to do. That’s when it hit me.

Why wait 30 more years to enjoy life? Why not start now. So I began to THINK. Think about what I was doing, why I was doing it, and who I wanted to become.


At the time I was working as a firefighter and I had benefits, a pension, and a great salary. I had hit the lottery as they say. I only worked 9 days a month! I had lots of time for the kids, and plenty of time to train MMA. At first, it was great, it put consistent money in my pocket, helped me buy my first house, and allowed me to build a foundation for my family of 5.

The problem with being a firefighter is you are basically a slave for 24 hours. When you put the uniform on, you are no longer in control of your time. When the bell rings you GOT TO GO, 3 pm or 3 am, eating or sleeping, it doesn’t matter. Not to mention you have to do what the officer tells you to do, and believe me those guys can be real jerks.


When I initially got into firefighting I did it because of the money, time off, and the idea that I would be helping people, not because I loved it. I had no WHY. I was doing what society told me was good. Society told me to work for someone because the money was guaranteed, society told me that firefighting was a noble pursuit, and society told me to sacrifice myself for 30 years so that I could enjoy the last 20.

The problem was I was miserable. No amount of money was worth my health, time, or happiness, and I was sacrificing all 3. Plus the money was capped. I could rise in the ranks but eventually, I would be capped out.

I thought I would be helping people but in reality, most of the people were beyond help. They were beset with preventable diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and I was basically acting as a taxi driver for them when their conditions got unmanageable.


This is where the deep thinking came in. What did I truly value in life? What was my why and who did I want to become.

I realized that my health was the most important thing in my life and getting calls all night was destroying it. I realized that I valued my time more than money and I wanted to be in full control over it. I realized that I valued making my own decisions and not following anyone elses. I realized that I wanted to enjoy every year of my life, not just the last 20.

I realized that if I wanted to help people I had to educate them before they were sick. I realized that in order for me to be happy, I needed to help other people be happy. I realized that I wanted to be a beacon of hope for others, I had to lead by setting an example of what it means to live free from the shackles of society by living a life of health, happiness, and prosperity.

I realized that I needed to make changes. I thought about what I really loved to do. I asked myself “What would I do if I was a millionaire”?

I came to the conclusion that I wanted to exercise daily, read, write, meditate, travel, and spend time with loved ones. The question then became how could I do all this? I would have to quit my job and open a gym. This way I could workout with friends, control my time, and help others do the same thing.

In the beginning it was rough. Working 10 hour days, making chump change, and never knowing what the next day would bring, but it gave me a passion for life. I woke up every morning happy and excited, I made people’s lives better, and I did it my way. (ode to Sinatra)

I learned as I went, I developed myself, I invested in myself and my business, I taught others through my example, and I NEVER GAVE UP! Now 8 years later I sit here writing like I wanted to, I have more money than ever, I’m free to do what I want when I want, not to mention I’m healthier than I have ever been, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

So I challenge you to ask yourself the hard questions. What are you doing with your life? Why are you doing it? And Who do you want to become? In a world of infinite possibilities don’t limit yourself to what society tells you to do. THINK for yourself, take ACTION towards your goal, and NEVER GIVE UP!

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John Kelly

My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself by creating a life centered around health, personal development, and total responsibility.