The Dawning Of A New Paradigm

John Kelly
6 min readJun 21, 2021

We have all been played. Growing up I used to think that our leaders had our best interests at heart, that we were the good guys, and that as long as we followed the rules set by those leaders, we would live a life of health, happiness, and prosperity. I was wrong.

It was 9/11/2001 that woke me up. I remember staring at the TV and watching the buildings come down and thinking how could this happen? Then I started to dig into the hijackers from Saudi Arabia, the Bin Laden family being allowed to fly out of the US, the mastermind Osama Bin Laden being trained by the CIA and educated at Princeton, and the NORAD drill being coordinated by VP Dick Cheney that was running at the exact same time that led to a confused response from our Air Force, just to name a few.

These revelations led me to more questions and I saw General Wesley Clark talk about the plan to destabilize Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, and Somalia among others only 6 months after 9/11. In the link above you can see General Clark discuss the foreshadowing, he saw in 1991 that led us to attack Iraq 10 years later. As you can see the move into the middle east was pre meditatited, but they needed an excuse to do it.

nothing to see here.

This led me to question EVERYTHING. Our government, our healthcare (sick care more accurately), our food, our education system, EVERYTHING! I said to myself, the system is broken!

I did my research and the deeper I went down the rabbit hole the more I realized our system isn’t broken. It’s working perfectly as it was designed to.

Our system has been designed to make us into unquestioning robots from an early age. Our schooling is designed around memorization, not critical thinking. We are taught what to think but never how to think. Our doctors are taught medicine by universities that have pharmaceutical companies on their board of directors. Our leaders should be wearing NASCAR suits since they are bought out by corporations with one thing on their mind, profit. Our laws are designed to put people in cages for nonviolent offenses so they can be pimped out by the state for pennies on the dollar.

Every decade we have to fight a new war. We even fight them against ourselves.

Look at the war on drugs. You can’t fight drugs!!! You can only punish the people that use them, either because they are addicted, or because the CIA allowed them to get into the inner cities where minorities would be exposed to them. Those kids selling drugs don’t have passports! Remember Manuel Noriega? If you don’t know about the CIA drug running in South and Central America, then it’s time to learn.

This led to The Controlled Substances Act and gave the for-profit prison system a never-ending supply of human capital, that was mostly incarcerated for a substance that is now seen as medicine!

So for easy math. CIA goes south and creates a drug trade, congress passes The Controlled Substances Act making drug use a crime, prisons become overrun with minorities, state pimps out prisoners as wage slaves, and the for-profit prison system thrives lining the pockets of their shareholders.

Next came the war on terror. Guess what? You can’t fight Terror. It’s an emotion described as extreme fear. How do you fight extreme fear? By destabilizing nations? No that just creates more terror for you to fight. By fighting terror you perpetuate it, giving you a never-ending war to fight. Pretty smart huh. This led to one of the biggest changes to our society in decades with The Patriot Act, giving the NSA carte blanche in its surveillance of us as noted by Edward Snowden, and striping more of our liberties in the name of “Safety”.

Notice how even the verbiage used in the bill is a form of conditioning. A patriot is someone who stands up for their country in times of tyranny, not someone who lays down their liberties because the government told them to. Yet the government was able to take away our freedoms and have the audacity to call it patriotic. We are constantly being conditioned.

Now we have the war on germs. You definitely can’t fight a microscopic molecule. All of a sudden a virus springs from the ether to attack us exactly as Bill Gates predicted. That should be your first clue. It also coincidentally originated in Wuhan China where a class 4 bioweapons lab exists that gets funding from the NIH.

Now instead of fearing Muslim extremists, we are told to fear our neighbor, our friends, and even our family. We were told it will be two weeks of change to “flatten the curve” yet here we are over a year later and we are just getting back to normal. As if wearing masks and getting an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine was normal.

This war has led to small businesses being destroyed, hyperinflation due to money printing, and an epidemic of people who make more money sitting at home than they did working.

The excessive money printing has caused prices on everything except Netflix and Hulu to go up, giving people at home a distraction as their past earnings and future earning potential is stolen from right under their mask.

This has ramifications that will shape the world for decades to come and if you want to learn more starting looking into the great reset, where you’’ll own nothing and be happy about it. Yeah that sounds like organized crime to me. Being aware of the conditioning that is being forced upon us will allow you to see the forest thru the trees and prepare yourself for what's to come.

So why is a gym owner ranting about these injustices? Well, that’s because I believe we are at war. A war for our consciousness and the only way to fight this war is to first understand what we are up against. Now that we know who our enemy is and how they are stacking the deck against us, it’s time to arm ourselves with the only weapon that can truly fight against this unseen force, our minds.

We need to re-educate ourselves on what it means to think critically. We need to learn the rules of the game, not so we can play by them, but within them. Stop listening to your phone, your TV, and the doctor who is unhealthier than you. Start reading more about nutrition, training, sleep, and meditation. Take responsibility for your mind, body, and spirit. Cultivate what YOU want out of life and create a life you enjoy every day not just on Saturday and Sunday.

Put your HEALTH at the center of your life, not your job, not your church, not your family, because without your health you can’t work, you can’t serve your community, and you can’t take care of your family!

In the words of the great philosopher Tupac Shakur “We gotta make a change. It's time for us as a people to start making some changes, lets change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn’t working so it's on us, to do what we gotta do to survive.”

The old way only serves a few at the top, it’s time for a new way. A way of health, happiness, and freedom.

It’s time to put health first. It’s time to Live Free.



John Kelly

My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself by creating a life centered around health, personal development, and total responsibility.